23 Reasons to Form an LLC in 2023

By Matthew Dochnal April 19, 2023
business owner opening a store front

Every year, there are new opportunities to grow your business. For many small business owners, now is the perfect time to consider forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC). The LLC has quickly become the most popular business structure for small business owners. According to the Delaware Division of Corporations, over 1.29 million LLCs are registered […]

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Why Startups Should Choose the Delaware C-Corp.

By Matthew Dochnal January 9, 2023
An investor putting money into a rocketship

What do companies like Uber, AirBnB and DoorDash all have in common? Each secured millions of dollars from venture capital firms and investors as startups. They are also all  incorporated as Delaware C-Corporations.  Delaware C-Corps are the most popular entity choice for startup companies looking to attract investors. Angel investors and venture capital firms prefer […]

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Twitter v. Musk Trial Shines Spotlight on Delaware Business Court

By Matthew Dochnal September 12, 2022

On October 17th, 2022, a hive of high-profile corporate attorneys will swarm Wilmington, Delaware to appear in front of the Court of Chancery. The state’s business court was tasked with resolving a dispute between Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Twitter, Inc. The lawsuit stems from Musk’s attempt to back-out of a deal he brokered in […]

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The Difference Between the Delaware LLC and Corporation

By IncNow April 26, 2022
LLC vs Inc

The Delaware Limited Liability Company Compares Favorably to the Delaware Corporation When starting a business, you probably have a lot of questions, including “Is an LLC a corporation?” and “Where should I incorporate?”. You do not have to incorporate in your home state if the laws there are unfavorable to protecting you. Instead, you can […]

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Why Should I Incorporate in Delaware?

By IncNow February 16, 2022
why delaware

Incorporating in Delaware has many advantages and benefits over incorporating a business in your home state. Before explaining the advantages of incorporating in Delaware, it is important to know you are eligible to run your business as a Delaware corporation or a Delaware LLC no matter where you live. Do I Need to Live in […]

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Why the Delaware C Corp Is a Good Option for Startups

By IncNow February 9, 2022
C Corp

Delaware C corps are a popular choice for some companies due to their ability to attract investors. Startups in particular can benefit from a C corp tax designation, but it’s understandable to have questions about how, exactly, this works. Here’s what you need to know. How the Delaware C Corp Can Help Startups While every […]

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How to Become an LLC: 5 Steps

By IncNow August 11, 2020
5 steps

Becoming an LLC is an easy and inexpensive way to protect yourself from personal liability for business obligations. It’s definitely worth considering if you have your own business—even if that business is you.

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How Much Does It Cost To Incorporate a Small Business?

By IncNow August 5, 2020
piggy bank

We often hear these questions from small business owners: What is the cheapest option for incorporating my company? How much does it cost to incorporate? Should I form an LLC? What incorporation fees can I expect? Across all fifty states, Delaware is near the median for incorporation costs. Among the top-tier states such as Florida […]

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How to Save on Single Member LLC Taxes

By IncNow July 19, 2019
single member llc tax

Most businesses end up cutting into profits simply by not taking advantage of the rules the IRS has laid out for them. The most susceptible to this common downfall is the sole proprietor or single-member LLC. It’s possible to save on single member LLC taxes—you just need to know the right steps to take. What is […]

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Why Form an LLC in Delaware?

By IncNow October 19, 2018
good standing

To have access to the gold standard of business laws, you should form an LLC in Delaware. Delaware offers an abundance of protection for business owners who choose to form a Delaware LLC no matter where you live and work. The shield of Delaware protects business managers from litigation risks and compares favorably to businesses […]

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Why should someone incorporate in Delaware?

By IncNow August 10, 2018
why delaware

The excitement of a new business venture can sometimes make the prospect of litigation seem distant, or even impossible. It is that very optimism and conviction that drives entrepreneurs to launch out in the first place. But as the old saying goes, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” Should push come to shove, […]

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Blockchain: From Bitcoin to Delaware Stock Transfer

By IncNow July 12, 2016
Delaware Blockchain Initiative

When Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym for unknown author) created the cryptocurrency Bitcoin on October 31, 2008, he envisioned the possibility of transacting payments without the need of a third party authenticator or government entity and international payments free of conversion rates. This new, decentralized system of recording transactions marked a disruption for traditional banking, because cutting […]

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Wyoming Supreme Court Makes Piercing Single Member LLC Veil More Difficult

By IncNow March 31, 2016

UPDATE: In the aftermath of the Green Hunter Energy case, Wyoming legislature recently added two new subsections to its LLC Act that will make “piercing the veil” of a Wyoming LLC more difficult. The law has been amended to address the limited liability of Wyoming LLC Members, which was weakened by the Green Hunter decision: […]

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Is the Certificate of Good Standing you emailed to me the “original”?

By IncNow November 10, 2015

“Thank you for your email, but I will require an original of the Certificate of Good Standing with a raised seal. California does not accept copies. Please mail out the original with the rest of my formation documents. Thanks.” Dear Customer, The Certificate of Good Standing that we sent as an attachment to our email to […]

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Why does Delaware have such business-friendly corporation laws?

By IncNow October 27, 2015

“Why does Delaware have such business-friendly corporation laws?” Dear Customer, Delaware has the most pro-business laws of any US state and has a “goldilocks” balance of being stable and slowly evolving. When teaching corporate law, professors across the country teach Delaware corporate law. The United States Chamber of Commerce has recognized Delaware’s business dispute and […]

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New Delaware Corporate Information System (“DCIS”) launched on September 8, 2015

By IncNow October 15, 2015

Over Labor Day weekend, after over a decade of development efforts, the Delaware Division of Corporations (the “Division”) successfully launched a new web-based system to administer its business entity and UCC filing systems.  Fortunately, Delaware state administrators and the agent community had a long period to train, test and update the system to make sure […]

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How a Delaware Corporate Certificate of Validation Could Have Saved a Google Stock Split Had Split Been Done In Error

By IncNow October 20, 2014

Google is a high-flying stock and darling of Wall Street, but a minor error in a recent stock split could have undermined confidence in this blue chip company. These errors are more common than you would like to believe. To fix such filing errors retroactively with corporations, Delaware has enacted a “Certificate of Validation” law […]

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Why Do Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities Loans require that the Borrower be a Delaware LLC?

By IncNow October 13, 2014

When financing real estate projects over $3,000,000 from across the country, often the best rates are available when Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) loans are used instead of traditional bank financing. We have seen these requests made for a variety of business properties such as storage facilities, student housing, multi-family housing, retail centers and commercial office […]

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Moms Who Blog Should Use a Delaware LLC

By IncNow October 6, 2014

Mommy Blogs have exploded in popularity in the last few years. Now anyone with a computer or smartphone is able to express her opinion to potentially millions of female household decision-makers on easy-to-use and often free or inexpensive platforms such as Tumblr and WordPress blogs. Due to the perceived informal nature of a blog, mommy […]

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Delaware “Just Says No” To Marijuana Inc.

By IncNow September 29, 2014

Delaware may be known for being “business friendly”, but Delaware can be a buzzkill when it comes to blatant “marijuana” business names. The Delaware Secretary of State rejects certain names it administratively determines are not engaged in a “lawful business, purpose or activity.” Delaware does not mind if you want to export entity products, but do […]

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How Can Canadian Businesses Benefit from an LLC?

By IncNow June 11, 2014
maple leaf

If you want the benefit of an LLC in Canada, you will need to form an LLC in the United States. Most people from Canada who want an LLC will form it in Delaware. Surprisingly, Canada has no equivalent to the LLC under national or provincial laws. The process of forming a Delaware LLC and […]

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Should I Incorporate My Business in Delaware?

By IncNow May 20, 2014

Anyone who can incorporate in another state can decide instead to incorporate in Delaware. U.S. constitutional law allows you to incorporate in Delaware with the same rights and privileges as a business incorporated in your home state. The difference is that Delaware law will govern the internal affairs of your business. People from all over […]

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Is an Office Address Required to Incorporate in Delaware?

By IncNow March 3, 2014

One of the most commonly asked questions is whether a business address or physical address is a requirement to incorporate in the state of Delaware.  Both domestic and international customers ask this question.  Since most of the businesses filed in Delaware are located outside Delaware; this is a common concern. Do not let this concern […]

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