How to Become an LLC: 5 Easy Steps

By IncNow August 31, 2022
5 steps

If you have your own business, you may benefit by forming an LLC. An LLC keeps an owner’s personal assets separate from any business assets. LLCs can protect owners from liability in the event of a legal dispute with a creditor, or even a business partner. This is true even if your business does not […]

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What is an Umbrella LLC?

By IncNow May 23, 2022

A serial entrepreneur will often form multiple “brother-sister” companies to keep their assets from becoming commingled. But having partners that own an interest in each of these companies can generate separate partnership tax returns for each entity. One way to simplify this is to form a holding company with the partners. You can reduce the […]

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Should I Set Up an LLC Holding Company?

By IncNow May 7, 2021
holding company

How you can protect your businesses from the liabilities of your other businesses Does a D.B.A. offer you any legal protection? Are there alternatives to setting up a separate LLC for each business or property? If you have multiple LLCs, it’s only natural to wonder if you should set up an LLC holding company. In order to determine […]

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How to Become an LLC: 5 Steps

By IncNow August 11, 2020
5 steps

Becoming an LLC is an easy and inexpensive way to protect yourself from personal liability for business obligations. It’s definitely worth considering if you have your own business—even if that business is you.

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You Don’t Need a Lawyer to Incorporate Your Business

By IncNow July 27, 2020

When deciding whether to form a Delaware LLC, you may wish you had gone to law school so that you could understand everything you are reading. But attending law school would not help you. Law schools do not teach law students the mechanics of incorporating. Most law schools dedicate no more than one lecture to […]

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Moms Who Blog Should Use a Delaware LLC

By IncNow October 6, 2014

Mommy Blogs have exploded in popularity in the last few years. Now anyone with a computer or smartphone is able to express her opinion to potentially millions of female household decision-makers on easy-to-use and often free or inexpensive platforms such as Tumblr and WordPress blogs. Due to the perceived informal nature of a blog, mommy […]

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Delaware “Just Says No” To Marijuana Inc.

By IncNow September 29, 2014

Delaware may be known for being “business friendly”, but Delaware can be a buzzkill when it comes to blatant “marijuana” business names. The Delaware Secretary of State rejects certain names it administratively determines are not engaged in a “lawful business, purpose or activity.” Delaware does not mind if you want to export entity products, but do […]

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Should I Incorporate My Business in Delaware?

By IncNow May 20, 2014

Anyone who can incorporate in another state can decide instead to incorporate in Delaware. U.S. constitutional law allows you to incorporate in Delaware with the same rights and privileges as a business incorporated in your home state. The difference is that Delaware law will govern the internal affairs of your business. People from all over […]

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When Forming a Delaware LLC, Choose a Registered Agent with Direct Access to the Delaware Corporation Imaging System.

By IncNow May 19, 2014

A limited number of commercial registered agents have access to a dedicated online connection to the State of Delaware. This online filing system is not web based. It is a MS-DOS based terminal where the user has direct access to the Delaware Secretary of State Division of Corporations mainframe. DCIS stands for Delaware Corporation Information […]

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Why Bloggers Should Incorporate: How to transfer blog assets over to your new company

By John Williams September 10, 2012

You may enjoy expressing yourself in the freedom and irreverence of the blog format, unconstrained by typical journalistic restraints.  Self-imposed restraints that journalists have in traditional media is for a reason.  Journalists don’t want to publish information that, even if true, casts non-public figures in a false light, or take the chance of using copyrighted […]

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