Do LLCs Have Stock or Shareholders?

By IncNow January 27, 2025

We often get questions about LLC stockholders, bylaws, stock certificates, directors, minutes and sometimes a Limited Liability “Corporation.” It’s understandable to have questions about how LLCs are structured and operate. Here’s what you need to know. Do LLCs have stock? Typically, “stock” is not the term used for LLC ownership shares. In most LLCs, the […]

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Your Annual Delaware Corporate Stockholder Meeting is required and recommended

By IncNow April 1, 2020

Delaware corporations must hold stockholder meetings every year (even for family businesses and one-owner businesses). Failure to do so may call into question whether your corporation has been following necessary corporate governance formalities. Legalities aside, it is good to meet with stockholders and provide an update on the current activity and plans and listen to […]

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How a Delaware Corporate Certificate of Validation Could Have Saved a Google Stock Split Had Split Been Done In Error

By IncNow October 20, 2014

Google is a high-flying stock and darling of Wall Street, but a minor error in a recent stock split could have undermined confidence in this blue chip company. These errors are more common than you would like to believe. To fix such filing errors retroactively with corporations, Delaware has enacted a “Certificate of Validation” law […]

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How are Minutes and Bylaws like the “spork”?

By John Williams February 11, 2012

Bob is deciding between a limited liability company (“LLC”) and a Corporation (“Inc.”) and he first “does his homework” to see what documents are included with the package. Bob notices the “complete LLC” includes a certificate of formation on file with the Division of Corporations and an internal LLC operating agreement. He may realize that […]

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