IncNow’s President to Speak at Delaware State Bar Association Seminar on Starting New Law Firms

By IncNow | Published December 9, 2016

dsbalogodarkgoldIncNow President John L. Williams has been selected by the Delaware State Bar Association to serve as a speaker at the inaugural Starting a Law Practice seminar. The two-session seminar, sponsored by the Law Office Management Assistance Program of the DSBA, is geared towards Delaware attorneys looking to build their own firm.The seminar will cover a broad range of topics regarding a new practice, ranging from funding, staffing, technological needs, insurance, and running the practice itself.

The first session of the seminar will take place on Tuesday, January 24th, beginning with Williams’ presentation titled “Your Entity of Choice and Your Business Plan,” focusing on the foundation of a prospective firm. The seminar will conclude with the second session a week later, with both sessions occurring at the Delaware State Bar Association, located in Wilmington at 405 N. King St., Suite 100.

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