Notice: All new and existing entities will need to file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report with FinCEN. Click here to learn more.

How to Find the Members of an LLC

When filing in Delaware, neither the member nor manager’s name or address are required in any initial filing documents. The members are not listed on the Delaware Division of Corporations’ website as they are in some other states. The names and contact information of members are typically only kept in the Operating Agreement, which is not publicly filed.

Can You Find the Members of an LLC Online?

No, the members of an LLC cannot be found on its public filings unless the members choose to include them on the Certificate of Formation or other state filings. Delaware only requires an LLC to include the name of the LLC and the name and address of its Delaware Registered Agent on the Certificate of Formation, which will be available to the public. Since Delaware LLCs are not required to file annual reports, the state does not receive owner or manager information on a recurring basis either.

The formation service will designate an authorized person or organizer in the office, who will sign the initial filing document, rather than a member or manager of the LLC. The Registered Agent, such as Agents and Corporations, Inc. (IncNow®), is required to maintain a contact person’s name, address, and phone number, which is available to assist in government investigations and is subject to subpoena in discovery during a pending lawsuit.

When you submit your order to us, the order form information is for our records and will not be part of the incorporation filing (unless you request us to list the member or manager’s name) on the formation document.

In Delaware, the annual franchise tax payment also does not require member or manager information. Delaware only requires a payment to keep the company in Good Standing, not an annual report filing. If you do not want to pay the state directly and provide it your name, address, and credit card number, you can have IncNow pay LLC franchise tax through this page. This way you do not disclose your name or private credit card details to the State of Delaware directly.

Fast, Professional Delaware LLC

Incorporation Services

  1. Fill out a simple online form
  2. We prepare and file your LLC
  3. You receive your LLC package