How Do Corporations Work?

By Matthew Dochnal May 28, 2024
a board of directors gathered around a table holding an annual meeting

What is a corporation? Corporations  are a type of legal structure that play a significant role in the business world. Entrepreneurs use the legal structure of a corporation to protect themselves from risks and grow their businesses into large enterprises. You interact with businesses set up as corporations nearly every day, however, you may not […]

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How To File A Delaware Annual Report

By Matthew Dochnal April 30, 2024
franchise tax payment

Delaware corporations need to fulfill an important legal requirement: filing the Delaware Annual Report. The Delaware Annual Report is a set of business information that needs to be submitted to the Delaware Division of Corporations each year.  Filing the Annual Report is crucial for maintaining a Delaware corporation’s good standing in the state. Corporations are […]

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What Does a Delaware Registered Agent Do, Exactly?

By Matthew Dochnal December 1, 2023
office building with multiple stories

Understanding the role of a Delaware Registered Agent is an important part of incorporating a business. Did you know that Delaware law requires every company registered in Delaware to have a Registered Agent? So, if you want to form a Delaware LLC or a Delaware corporation, you will need to know how to meet this […]

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Does My Delaware Company Need a Certificate of Incumbency?

By Matthew Dochnal November 9, 2023

If you have applied for a loan with your corporation as the borrower, you may have heard the term “Delaware Certificate of Incumbency”. What is a Delaware Certificate of Incumbency and when do you need one?   Navigating corporate documentation is crucial for business operations, especially when engaging in financial transactions or significant changes in […]

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Does My Delaware Corporation Need a Stockholder Agreement?

By Matthew Dochnal June 27, 2023
shareholder agreement

Incorporating your business as a Delaware corporation comes with lots of benefits. However, running a corporation the right way can require a lot of paperwork. There are many different types of corporate documents: from by-laws to Annual Reports. One of the most important documents that a Delaware corporation needs is a Stockholder Agreement. A Delaware […]

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Why Startups Should Choose the Delaware C-Corp.

By Matthew Dochnal January 9, 2023
An investor putting money into a rocketship

What do companies like Uber, AirBnB and DoorDash all have in common? Each secured millions of dollars from venture capital firms and investors as startups. They are also all  incorporated as Delaware C-Corporations.  Delaware C-Corps are the most popular entity choice for startup companies looking to attract investors. Angel investors and venture capital firms prefer […]

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What Is a Delaware Certificate of Incumbency?

By IncNow July 22, 2022

If you have applied for a loan with your corporation as the borrower, you may have heard the term “Delaware Certificate of Incumbency”. What is a Delaware Certificate of Incumbency and when do you need one? What Is a Delaware Certificate of Incumbency? A Delaware Certificate of Incumbency is a document signed by an officer […]

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