What Is A Certificate of Incumbency? And How To Get One.

By Matthew Dochnal May 15, 2024
corporate documents signed by an officer of the company.

If you own an LLC or corporation, you might have encountered the term “Certificate of Incumbency.” Maybe a bank or a lender requested this Certificate to secure a loan for your business. What exactly is a Certificate of Incumbency? This article delves into Certificates of Incumbency, explaining what they are, why they are used, and […]

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How To Get A Delaware Certificate Of Good Standing

By Matthew Dochnal April 4, 2024
good standing

  If you have a Delaware LLC or corporation, there will be times when you will need to check the company’s status and obtain a Delaware Certificate of Good Standing.  In this article, we’ll discuss some key details of Delaware Good Standing Certificates, including how to secure one for your Delaware company, the costs involved, […]

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What Does “Good Standing” In Delaware Mean?

By Matthew Dochnal April 3, 2024
good standing compliance

After forming a Delaware LLC or corporation, many business owners wonder, “What’s next?” One crucial part of running a business is maintaining your company’s good standing status. In this article, we delve into what good standing means and guide you on how to maintain your company’s good standing status in Delaware. We also discuss how […]

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