Does My Delaware Company Need a Certificate of Incumbency?

By Matthew Dochnal November 9, 2023

If you have applied for a loan with your corporation as the borrower, you may have heard the term “Delaware Certificate of Incumbency”. What is a Delaware Certificate of Incumbency and when do you need one?   Navigating corporate documentation is crucial for business operations, especially when engaging in financial transactions or significant changes in […]

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What Is a Delaware Certificate of Incumbency?

By IncNow July 22, 2022

If you have applied for a loan with your corporation as the borrower, you may have heard the term “Delaware Certificate of Incumbency”. What is a Delaware Certificate of Incumbency and when do you need one? What Is a Delaware Certificate of Incumbency? A Delaware Certificate of Incumbency is a document signed by an officer […]

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What Does the President of a Corporation Do?

By IncNow August 11, 2020
question man

Whether you’re interested in forming a corporation or are just curious, it’s understandable to wonder, “What does the President of a Corporation do?” Traditionally the President of a Corporation is the highest executive officer. The Bylaws of the Corporation set forth the role of the President. Some businesses have also established higher offices, such as […]

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