Should I use a Series LLC, Multiple LLCs, or an Umbrella LLC?

By IncNow July 11, 2022

Serial entrepreneurs often explore multiple opportunities simultaneously. To start a new line of business, you may not need a whole new LLC. You can use your current LLC and put various lines of business under one entity. This practice is often referred to as forming an Umbrella LLC structure. Using an Umbrella LLC for multiple […]

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What is an Umbrella LLC?

By IncNow May 23, 2022

A serial entrepreneur will often form multiple “brother-sister” companies to keep their assets from becoming commingled. But having partners that own an interest in each of these companies can generate separate partnership tax returns for each entity. One way to simplify this is to form a holding company with the partners. You can reduce the […]

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South Dakota Enacts Series LLC Legislation: What You Need to Know

By IncNow October 14, 2020
Mount Rushmore

Among a number of recent states to enact Series LLC legislation, South Dakota’s new Series LLC law becomes effective soon. The approach of South Dakota counters the larger Series LLC trend. Most states follow either the business-friendly Delaware model or the prescriptive Uniform Protected Series Act (“UPSA”). Here’s what you need to know. When Will […]

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A Delaware Series LLC Can Help Protect Your Businesses

By IncNow July 29, 2020

The Delaware Series LLC is a business entity which enables members to place a web of liability shields over individualized assets within a single LLC. As the name suggests, a Series LLC entails a singular organization empowered to self segregate its assets. This creates many rings of protection. As the Delaware Series LLC has risen […]

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What Is a Quasi Entity?

By IncNow May 16, 2020
asset protection

If you have several related business ideas, filing a Series LLC can be an attractive option. But simply forming a Series LLC doesn’t entitle you to the internal asset-by-asset protection of a Series LLC. Instead, there are certain steps you need to take to make sure that you (1) have established protected series by the […]

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The Series LLC Can Protect Your Business from an ‘Infection’

By IncNow April 21, 2020

Just as an infected person with a virus can infect nearby healthy people, an asset with a liability in a company can be a bad apple that unnecessarily exposes all the good apples to a liability. In this case, the “virus” is not a germ, but rather a judgment creditor who tries to collect against […]

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Why the Series LLC Is the Ultimate Subsidiary Factory

By IncNow June 25, 2018

In the summer of 1987, “make your own sub day” was so popular in the Camp Tockwogh mess hall, that we all sang “I feel like makin’ SUBS!” This was a subtle substitution of one word in the classic rock lyrics, Feel Like Makin’ Love by Bad Company. I still love making subs, but nowadays […]

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The Series LLC: Not Your Average Business Entity

By IncNow January 18, 2018
series llc ted talk

IncNow President John Legaré Williams recently gave a TEDxWilmington Talk on the series LLC. This is what he discussed. The Series LLC allows you to separate your assets Many business types can use the Series LLC The Delaware Series LLC is a popular choice I need you to suspend your disbelief just for a second […]

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